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We’ll be updating the cross club Event and Racing Calendar in January. Registration for Junior Sailing will be available shortly after.
Suggestions are always welcome.
Also note, the following new initiatives from PortsToronto.
New initiatives in 2024 to address instances of speeding and wakes
Currently, any recreational powered vessel operating in the jurisdiction of PortsToronto is required to respect no wake zones and a speed limit of 5 knots (9 km/h) within 150 metres of any shoreline. Enforcement of these speed limits, while a challenge, is undertaken by the Toronto Police Service Marine Unit.
PortsToronto works closely with Transport Canada and the TPS Marine Unit to promote safe boating in the Toronto Harbour, including through programs like the PVOP program – an in-person training session that provides an opportunity to educate boaters on speed limits and other safety regulations.
PortsToronto will implement several new initiatives in 2024 to address instances of speeding and wakes in the east end of the Outer Harbour, including:
- PortsToronto will be installing a new sign on the north west corner of the Outer Harbour peninsula reminding watercraft to slow down and watch their wake.
- PortsToronto will be installing two new buoy markers reminding boaters to keep to the 9 km per hour speed limit. These will be installed in line with the sign at the entrance to the east end of the Outer Harbour.
- PortsToronto will post on its website the aforementioned Outer Harbour speed limit map, and will share this map directly with Outer Harbour Marina clients and the Toronto Police Services Marine Unit (TPS Marine Unit).
- PortsToronto will partner with the TPS Marine Unit on a speed enforcement weekend early in the 2024 season in the East Gap area.