People in the bush

Join the Fight Against Invasive Species!

Our friends at the Toronto Nature Stewards are tackling one of the most persistent invasive plants— Buckthorn. By pulling these invaders, they’re making space for native plants, which creates better habitats for local wildlife. It’s a rewarding way to spend your morning outdoors and is perfect for anyone 16+ looking to earn community service hours.

Get involved on Wed & Sat mornings, October 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26, and 30, from 9–11:30 am. Don’t miss the opportunity to contribute to this important cause and support local biodiversity!

Woman with spade
Photo by Kailer Preston

Seed Collection

We identify native plants and collect 10% of their seeds, which will be scattered in cleared areas to accelerate restoration. It’s a form of active meditation. Dates will be determined by seed ripening and dry weather conditions.

Early Birds!

Download Merlin and bring your binoculars for birdwatching.

Wednesday, Oct 9, 8–9 AM.

We provide gloves and tools. Please wear:

  • Long pants tucked into long socks, and long sleeves
  • A rain jacket (we’ll continue even with a few drops)

We’ll meet at 9 AM at 2 Regatta Rd by the gate to the Windsurfing Club. The Cherry Street bridge (see status) should be open but is unreliable. It may be best to take Leslie Street to get there.


  • Sports Field parking lot
  • Regatta Road parking lot by the clubs


Martin Goodman Trail


Bus 202 or 83 drops you at Leslie and Commissioner. Walk south down the dusty road, turn right, and follow the trail west to Regatta Rd. It’s about a 35-minute walk.
Take Bus 202 or 83 and get off at Leslie and Lakeshore. Use the Bikeshare at the northwest corner (Tim Hortons/Wendy’s). It’s a 10-minute ride to the Bikeshare station at the west end of the soccer field, near Unwin Avenue. Cut across the soccer field to 2 Regatta Rd.

We look forward to seeing you,

Anna H, Anna M, Cait, Christine, Gilbert, Heather, James, Kareena, Louise, Nancy, Olga

P.S. Student community hours are available. Those 16 years or older can attend on their own.


Anna H

Stewarding: Phragmites, jumping worms, Seeds to Saplings, Sept 30 The Giants restoring the Amazon. Leslie Lookout Park at 12 Leslie St, north of the entrance to Tommy Thompson Park, is an industrial area turned into a public beach with a lookout tower.

Environment: cool fish, cool buildings, cool city, drilling for clean energy, sustainable chocolate

Want a tax credit? Donate. Put “Toronto Nature Stewards, Cherry Beach” on the “Gift Options”. Don’t be shy, tell us the amount so we can claim it later. Any contribution is gratefully received and pressed into service!

Toronto Trees

Toronto Tree Chart

The clubs in the OHSF work with Toronto Nature Stewards to eradicate invasive species on and near the club sites.