Water taxi with city skyline

On April 17th, a brief but noteworthy interview with outgoing Commodore Paul Howard was included in CBC Radio and CBC TV news broadcasts. The interview, recorded at Cherry Beach, was also referenced in an article on the CBC website titled Could Lake Ontario be the answer for commuters heading downtown? Waterfront Toronto wants to know.

During the interview, Commodore Howard spoke about the opposition to increasing motorized traffic in Outer Harbour due to safety concerns. He elaborated on the increasing use of the Outer Harbour by non-motorized crafts, such as human-powered and wind-powered vessels, and the importance of motorized vessels adhering to legal speed limits. Additionally, he emphasized the significance of the location of various boat clubs, kite boarders, windsurfers, the Eastern Gap, and the Outer Harbour Marina entrance in the area.

Send Inquiries: communications@outerharbour.net

See also: Lake Ontario Park Master Plan prepared for WATERFRONToronto
Proposed ferry routes in the Toronto Harbour and Outer Harbour

Photo “(Water) Taxi” by @mariechacha (CC BY-NC-ND)

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