
The Port Lands Reclamation Project with Canoe Cove Update, Nov 2023

I hope you enjoy a video reposted from YouTube about the large Port Lands reclamation project. - "See the progress on the river valley that will become the new mouth of the Don River and the new roads and parks we’re building. For more information, visit or follow Rocky @TheRockRipper on Twitter or Instagram. Learn more about the Port Lands Flood Protection Project:" York Harbour from the mouth of the Don was painted in 1793 by Elizabeth Simcoe.


Plan for Lake Ontario Park

LAKE ONTARIO PARK Waterfront Toronto has approved a Master Plan in the process of planning Lake Ontario Park, a project that will dramatically change the Outer Harbour. The proposed park is ambitious and if built will be a stunning addition to the life and culture of our great city. For more details about the park please see the web site links below. Waterfront Toronto has engaged stakeholders, including the Outer Harbour Sailing Federation, in a series of meetings and consultations over the last several years. From the beginning of these discussions Waterfront Toronto