Looking down at Regatta Road and eight OHSF clubs


The OHSF 2023 Executive:
Commodore – Tom Snow
Vice Commodore Public Relations – Matthew Burpee
Vice Commodore Facilities – Chris Maslowski
Vice Commodore Site Planning (Leases) – Peter Suchanek
Secretary – Cathyann White
Treasurer – Tim Willett



The OHSF Executive Board does not have a Commodore or a Secretary.

As per the April 4 AGM, there were no nominees for the above positions. Myself, Paul Howard, and Peter Suchanek, have denied continuing to hold the above offices.

As Past Commodore, I am seeking nominees for the above positions, see the below descriptions.

I have been a member of an OHSF club (TMCC) since 1999 and had been a member of the TMCC board for several years and acted as Commodore for an additional four years, then was elected as OHSF Commodore three years ago. Now, at age 79, I feel I have benefited greatly from my active sailing membership of an OHSF club, but also feel it is time for someone else to step up and fill the role of Commodore.

With more than 2,000 members collectively among our nine clubs surely there are two people that can step up to fill these two important roles for the continued operation of our OHSF clubs.

Please poll your club membership for nominees for these essential positions and put forward names for a special election meeting. Nominees who have held officer positions in your club would be qualified.

Description of OHSF Commodore and Secretary positions from 2023 by laws.


“The Commodore shall chair the Executive and shall be charged with the general management and supervision of the affairs and operations of the Corporation. The Commodore, with the Secretary or other officers, is appointed by the executive for the purpose and shall sign on bylaws. The Commodore shall convene meetings of the Executive as he or she deems necessary.”

The Commodore ensures the member and affiliate clubs are well informed of the group’s needs by providing meeting agendas and moderating discussions.
Upcoming challenges:

  • The present lease for the base five clubs expires on July 30, 2025. Negotiations for the renewal of the 20-year lease may begin in 2023.
  • The Commodore has the signing and expense approval authority on the two OHSF bank accounts, one a general fund with signing authority shared with the Treasurer and the other the Water Sport Camp account with shared signing authority with the Treasurer and with the Water Sport Camp Director.
  • The Commodore is a member of the Water Sport Camp Management Committee for the ongoing operation of the children’s camp.


“The Secretary shall be ex officio clerk of the Executive. The Secretary shall attend meetings of the Executive and record facts and minutes of all proceedings in the books kept for this purpose. The secretary shall have all notices sent and/or given to all member clubs or representatives as required. The Secretary shall be the custodian of all the books, papers, records, correspondence, contracts and other documents belonging to the corporation which the Secretary shall deliver up only when authorized by a resolution of the executive to do so and to such a person as may be named in the resolution, and the Secretary shall perform such other duties as may from time to time be determined by the Executive.”

  • The primary role of the Secretary is to take note of attendance and record minutes of all OHSF Executive board meetings and then distribute those minutes to the board members for review prior to the following meeting.
  • The Secretary also keeps a record of all the meeting minutes for review and research for later reference to passed motions and amendments.

Contact: commodore@outerharbour.net

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